Federico García Lorca
Federico García Lorca
Federico García Lorca (1898 - 1936) is widely considered to be Spain's most important playwright and poet. He and his close friend Salvador Dalí took the literary and artistic worlds by storm in the 1920's, introducing daring explorations of desire, sexuality and surrealism. Mr. Lorca's two poetry collections, Canciones (Songs), and Romancero gitano (the Gypsy Ballads), earned him international fame. In the 1930s, Mr. Lorca dedicated himself to writing the renowned folk drama trilogy Bodas de Sangre (Blood Wedding), Yerma, and La Casa de Bernarda Alba (The House of Bernarda Alba). In 1936, Mr. Lorca was executed without a trial, becoming an early martyr of The Spanish Civil War.
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Blood Wedding (Lujan/O'Connell, trans.)
Multiple Authors
Full-Length Play, DramaBlood Wedding (Lujan/O'Connell, trans.)
Richard O'Connell , Federico García Lorca ,James Graham-Lujan
Full-Length Play, Drama / 9w, 9m
Amateur and professional productions of this passionate tragedy have won singular fame for a play the critics acclaim as second only to The House of Bernarda Alba. The Mother has lost in feuds with the Felix family all her menfolks except her youngest son, The Bridegroom. She arranges a wedding with…
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Blood Wedding (Lujan/O'Connell, trans.)
Multiple Authors
Full-Length Play, DramaBlood Wedding (Lujan/O'Connell, trans.)
Richard O'Connell , Federico García Lorca ,James Graham-Lujan
Full-Length Play, Drama / 9w, 9m
Blood Wedding (Ronder)
Federico Garcia Lorca
Blood Wedding: A Play (Hughes)
Federico Garcia Lorca
Blood Wedding: A Play (Hughes)
Federico Garcia Lorca
Lorca Plays: 2 (Shoemaker's Wife, Don Perlimplin, Puppet Play of...
Federico Garcia Lorca
Lorca Plays: 2 (Shoemaker's Wife, Don Perlimplin, Puppet Play of D...
Federico Garcia Lorca